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Eggo's Friends is inspired by unconditional love to help pets, people and the planet with the overarching goal of ending the pet abandonment crisis. 


We're bolstering shelters and rescues by backing their core missions both financially and with cutting-edge technology. And, by supporting essential environmental projects, we generate funds to enrich our pet-focused endeavors.


Come, be part of this transformative journey.


Inspired by Eggo's unconditional love, we're on a mission to cherish every pet, uplift every community, and heal our planet. Together, we're weaving a tapestry of hope to support all the amazing change-makers already giving their passion to this purpose.

Me and Eggy.jpg

Eggo's Inspiration


In the gentle eyes and adorable antics of Eggo, an adopted English bulldog, founder Bianca discovered a love that was pure, profound, and unparalleled. This bond, brimming with lessons of life changing love and unwavering loyalty, ignited the flame for Eggo's Friends. A tribute to a bond that inspired a nationwide movement.

The Challenges We Face


Every day, thousands of pets face a grim fate. Overcrowded shelters are pushed to their limits, leading to the heartbreaking reality of euthanasia for countless innocent animals. These are perfectly adoptable companion pets that could have filled homes with love and joy. And the most tragic part? It's preventable. Through understanding, compassion, and collective action, we can rewrite their stories. Eggo's Friends stands at the forefront of this mission, advocating for change, solutions, and new beginnings.

Dog giving a high five


Making a Tangible Difference.
  • Keep Pets In Homes: Our innovative AI app is a beacon of revolution in pet care. By offering telemedicine, behavior insights, and nutrition advice, it ensures homes remain harmonious and pets cherished.


  • Increase Adoptions: We're amplifying the call for pet adoptions in collaboration with partners like PBS, bolstering spay and neuter programs, and spotlighting the joys and benefits of adopting. Together, we're paving the way for more happy endings.


  • Humane Population Control: We're developing enhanced efforts aimed at mitigating the overpopulation crisis through widespread sterilization efforts.

We're not just about pets; we're about their people too. From supporting communities to ensuring families remain intact with their fur babies despite challenges, we're weaving stories of hope and unity.

Eggo's Friends helps those who actively participate in making the world a better place, and those who are in need of benefitting. 

Image by Leio McLaren

Our planet is our home, our responsibility. Through strategic collaborations like the carbon credit secondary market, nature based projects, and supporting the growth of green technologies, we're mitigating environmental challenges, pledging a better tomorrow.



Our mission is vast, ambitious, and heartfelt. But with the collective spirit of businesses, individuals, and the pet community, we're poised to make waves. Come, collaborate, and co-create a legacy of love and care.


By Doing Just One Small Thing.


If You Can't Do One Thing, Try the Next :)

  • ADOPT A RESCUE OR SHELTER PET. Search Google, 24petconnect, Petfinder, Adoptapet or social media for rescue and shelter pets in need. Remember that your adoption fee goes towards saving more pets in need. Hello, awesome!  


  • FOSTER A RESCUE OR SHELTER PET. Fostering means welcoming a rescue or shelter pet into your home until they're adopted. Supplies and medical costs are usually paid by the organization you foster from. You just supply love, care and cuddles. Fun!


  • VOLUNTEER. Volunteer for a pet welfare organization. There's a variety of opportunities from social media marketing to walking dogs or simply spending time with the pets. Umm, yes please!


  • DONATE. Pet welfare organizations rely on the generosity of their supporters. As little as $1 makes a difference for rescues and shelters. Wow!


  • SHARE. In pet welfare, seen = saved. So next time you see a post on social media about rescue or shelter pets, share it with your friends and followers. It could save a life. At the very least, it brings awareness to those that need it most. Easy does it!


  • SPREAD THE WORD. Pets a great topic of conversation! If you find yourself chatting about them, mention how great rescue and shelter pets are. It's an easy to way to plant a thought-seed that might sow one day. 


You Can Be the Change You Wish to See In the World.

  • KIND GESTURES: Compliment a stranger, hold the door open, offer a ride, send a thoughtful message, offer your seat to those who need it more. Be of service and you'll inspire the same in those around you!


  • DONATE TO CHARITY: Donate funds or items to charities or causes you believe in. Every contribution helps.


  • VOLUNTEER: Spend some time volunteering at local organizations, shelters, or community events.


  • SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE: Offer to tutor or mentor someone in need of guidance or assistance in a subject you excel in. Your knowledge transfer could have an exponential impact!


  • RUN ERRANDS: Offer to help elderly or disabled neighbors with grocery shopping or other errands.


  • OFFER TO PET-SIT: If you have friends or neighbors with pets, offer to pet-sit when they go on vacation or have a busy day. It's an awesome gesture for everyone! 


Think Big, Start Small.

  • REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE: Use less, find new uses for old things, and recycle what you can to give materials a second chance.


  • CONSERVE ENERGY: Turn off lights when you leave a room, unplug chargers, and use appliances wisely to save energy and reduce bills.


  • SAVE WATER: Fix leaks, take shorter showers, and remember that every drop counts.


  • DITCH SINGLE-USE PLASTICS: Swap out single-use plastics for reusable options to lessen waste.


  • SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE BRANDS: Cheer on companies that care about the Earth by buying their eco-friendly products.​​​


  • LEND A HAND: Pick up litter when you see it because a cleaner environment is a happier one. Offer your time and skills to environmental causes, making a big impact through small acts.


  • NATURE'S BEAUTY: Connect with nature by spending time outdoors, embracing the tranquility of Earth's wonders.

Get Involved


Every journey becomes meaningful with companions. At Eggo's Friends, we invite businesses, individuals, and the pet community to collaborate, contribute, and co-create. Together, we're creating a legacy of positive transformation.


Have questions or a story to share? We're here to listen. Connect with us and become part of the Eggo's Friends family.

Thanks for submitting!

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